Etnohistorical References

References by alphabetical order


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2012 María del Carmen Jorge y Jorge y _________, "Códice de Santa María Asunción: Censos de población y medición de tierras con unidades fraccionarias", Museo de Sitio de Tlatelolco, (México, D.F.: Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México), 82-90.

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2014 Tulane University: Middle American Research Institute. Graduate Seminar in Anthropology: Advanced Nahuatl Art, Writing and Language: A study of the Codex Vergara, directed by Marc Zender. A two-day discussion on the underlying background related to findings made by Williams and Harvey in their work on the Vergara and Santa María Asunción codices. March 27-28

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2005 Discovery of Aztec Science, Mathematics, and Social Organization through Decipherment of Pictorial Records. Faculty lecture, University of Wisconsin-Rock County. February.

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